Frontier Post – Page logic
To be able to display a user interface and execute php codeat the same time in WordPress, you will have to use shortcodes.
Shortcodes are placed in a post or in a page. WordPress picks up this shortcode and execute the associated php code, and returns the output to the same post/page from where it was called.
This means that if you place the frontier-post shortcode in a page, you will always return to this page.
If you call Create New Post from a shortcut (ex: you will be directed to “my-posts-2” page, and if this page contains the frontier-post shortcode, you will be able to add a new post, once you press Save & Return, the post will be saved and the “normal” behavior of the “my-posts-2” page will execute (the shortcode in the page will dictate that). The above shortcut is from the “My Posts” widget of Frontier Post, and the page used for the shortcut is the one you will find in the general settings of Frontier Post.
So in short, You will always stay on the same page 🙂
Technically it is possible to redirect to other pages from the php code, but i have chosen not to do this in Frontier Post, as it often causes a lot of problems with “headers already being sent” etc.
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