Frontier Query – Getting started
When you first installed Frontier Query, please read the below to get started.
1: Review settings
Please review the settings placed under Settings/Frontier Query in the admin panel.
Make sure the following settings are correct.
- Results page is selected
- At least one Post Type is selected
- At least one Taxonomy is selected.
More info on settings: Coming soon
2: Check pages
During installation, Frontier Query has created 3 pages with the following shortcodes:
- [fq-shortcode-builder] – Name: “Frontier Query – Shortcode builder”, This page can be used to generate [fq-infobox] shortcodes.
- [[fq-results]] -Name: “Results”, This page is used to display the results from the links generated by the widget or infobox
- [fq-search] – Name: “Frontier Search”, This is the advanced search page.
Please check all 3 pages are present, if not create them manually. You can select any name for the 3 pages, as long as the shortcodes are there.
3: Using Frontier Query
Start with adding Frontier Search and Frontier Query widgets to your site.
You can use Frontier Query to display groupings of your posts in Widgets or inside Posts/Pages (using the [fq-infobox] shortcode).
On the upper right side you can see 3 widgets called “Plugins”, Article Types & Recent Posts – They are all created with Frontier Query Widget.
Why not try Frontier Query Shortcode Builder now ?
With Frontier Shortcode Builder, you can create shortcodes and view the output without the hazel of understanding all the shortcode parameters.
Or try the the Frontier Query Widget.
The same content can be shown within a post or page using the [[fg-infobox]] shortcode:
[fq-infobox filter_object="category" filter_values="plugins" group_by_object="category" show_count="true" show_image="true" post_type="post" limit="50" order_by="name" sort_order="ASC" period="alltime" show_empty="false" hierarchical="false" incl_children="only" title="Plugins" subtitle="" footer_txt="" style="shaddow" float="middle" height="0" width="300" item-styling="list" item-columns="1" sequence="1"]
[fq-infobox filter_object="all" filter_values="none" group_by_object="article-type" show_count="true" show_image="true" post_type="post" limit="50" order_by="name" sort_order="ASC" period="alltime" show_empty="true" hierarchical="false" incl_children="only" title="Article Types" subtitle="" footer_txt="" style="outset" float="middle" height="0" width="300" item-styling="list" item-columns="1" sequence="2"]
[fq-infobox filter_object="all" filter_values="none" group_by_object="post_titles" post_type="post" limit="5" order_by="date" sort_order="DESC" title="Recent Posts" float="none" item-styling="mosaic"]
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