Frontier Post – Settings: Role based
In addition to capabilities, there is a number of settings that can be set per role. Role based settings is on the Frontier Post capability settings page.
Editor Type
- Full Editor (The full TinyMCE editor)
- Minimal Visual (Visual editor, but with limited options, also called Teeny by WordPress)
- Minimal-Html (HTMl editor with quicktags)
- Text (pure text area editor, no buttons)
Category list (layout)
- Multi Select (Dropdown list where the user can select multiple categories using Ctrl key)
- Radio Button (Radio button list, only one category can be selected)
- Checkbox (List of categories with check boxes, multiple categories can be selected)
- Single Select (Dropdown list, where one category can be selected)
- Hide (Dont show category on the form)
- Readonly (Show category on the form, but readonly)
Default Category
The default category assigned to posts (not pages) for the profile
Allowed Categories
Comma separated list of allowed categories for the profile. The user will only be able to select between these categories.
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